Im thinking about writing an article about the recent laws that have come into place regarding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. Is that article something the Foghorn should publish?
Regarding the FogHorn publishing an article about Marijuana, I think they might be hesitant due to the illegal nature of students smoking on campus. Although Medical Marijuana is becoming legal all over the country I do not think a school newspaper would want to encourage their students, some who already smoke marijuana to begin the activity. But, I do not know a lot about the FogHorn and the process of getting things published but I think they would be hesistant!
Editor-in-Chief says "I don't know why we wouldn't. It would be fine as long as it was done as a news piece with facts, and as long as there is a prevalent issue behind it. And that it's not just about glamorizing marijuana."
I think it's great that the Editor-in-Chief seems open to the idea of writing an educational piece about medical marijuana. After all isn't journalism about informing the public about important issues? And marijuana is definitely a pertinent issue in a college community...especially in San Francisco where it's been speculated that authorities are more "lenient" about smoking. Like Marly long as the article doesn't ecourage smoking marijauna, I think it'd be a good idea.
I think it would be good for the Foghorn to publish because it is something that is popular in the news today and students should learn the facts behind it all. Especially since it is coming up in the election soon, students need to get all the facts. As long as it is an educational article that will help the student body learn more about what is going on at the moment, I think it would be a great story for the Foghorn
I think that this story may cause some controversy on campus since it is a Jesuit school. The church may not agree with the Foghorn publishing this type of story.
Five good comments. The question about the Jesuits objecting to such a story suggests why a quote from a Jesuit is almost always a plus for any of your stories. This is a Jesuit university. It's our brand. But just what is the Jesuit brand????? Do students and faculty really know?
The Foghorn, by all means, should be able to publish this article. The issue is relevant on a local and national level and students should be informed. I understand why the university may be hesitant, but The Foghorn has published other controversial issues (ie. rape). I say go for it!
Regarding the FogHorn publishing an article about Marijuana, I think they might be hesitant due to the illegal nature of students smoking on campus. Although Medical Marijuana is becoming legal all over the country I do not think a school newspaper would want to encourage their students, some who already smoke marijuana to begin the activity. But, I do not know a lot about the FogHorn and the process of getting things published but I think they would be hesistant!
Editor-in-Chief says "I don't know why we wouldn't. It would be fine as long as it was done as a news piece with facts, and as long as there is a prevalent issue behind it. And that it's not just about glamorizing marijuana."
I think it's great that the Editor-in-Chief seems open to the idea of writing an educational piece about medical marijuana. After all isn't journalism about informing the public about important issues? And marijuana is definitely a pertinent issue in a college community...especially in San Francisco where it's been speculated that authorities are more "lenient" about smoking. Like Marly long as the article doesn't ecourage smoking marijauna, I think it'd be a good idea.
I think it would be good for the Foghorn to publish because it is something that is popular in the news today and students should learn the facts behind it all. Especially since it is coming up in the election soon, students need to get all the facts. As long as it is an educational article that will help the student body learn more about what is going on at the moment, I think it would be a great story for the Foghorn
I think that this story may cause some controversy on campus since it is a Jesuit school. The church may not agree with the Foghorn publishing this type of story.
Five good comments. The question about the Jesuits objecting to such a story suggests why a quote from a Jesuit is almost always a plus for any of your stories. This is a Jesuit university. It's our brand. But just what is the Jesuit brand????? Do students and faculty really know?
The Foghorn, by all means, should be able to publish this article. The issue is relevant on a local and national level and students should be informed. I understand why the university may be hesitant, but The Foghorn has published other controversial issues (ie. rape). I say go for it!
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